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Do you want to become a seller on Walif Stores in Saudi? If you have a physical pet store, a veterinary clinic, or if you’re a supplier of pet products and food, join us today and expand your reach!

Before you start

If you own a physical pet store, run a veterinary clinic, supply pet products and food, trade in this sector, or simply have a passion for selling, here’s how you can take the next step with Walif:

  1. Register your account by completing the registration form as the first step. Once submitted, the Walif team will review your application, open a seller account, and approve you as a trader.

  2. You can either use your existing customer account to start selling or create a new Walif seller account with your business email. Before signing up, make sure you have the following ready:

    • A verified business email, which will be your registration address. This will be used to access the seller area once your account is approved by the Walif team.
    • A reachable phone number for contact purposes.
    • National ID (identity verification helps protect both sellers and customers).
    • Commercial Registration, if you are the owner, or a Power of Attorney, if you are a legal representative.
    • Registered national address with “SPL” attached
    • A bank account where you can receive pro

New registration form in the sellers area

Help Guides

  • Consider your selling strategy
  • Choose your fulfillment strategy
  • Create a seller account
  • Adding your products
  • Attracting customers
  • After your first sale
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